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DUI ARD Program Frequently Asked Questions

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Trial or Guilty Plea

A first time conviction for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) may require a period of incarceration ranging from 48 to 72 hours, in addition to fines ranging from $300.00 to $1,000.00.

Penalties could go as high as
six months in jail and
a fine of $5,000

A first time conviction for DUI (BAC < .10) will automatically suspend the driver's license for one year and require the driver to attend the Alcohol Highway Safety School at his/her own expense. Additionally, the Northampton County Court and the DUI Program may require compliance with the rules and regulations as set forth at the time of sentencing.

What is ARD?

Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, is a one-time alternative to trial, conviction, and any mandatory jail sentence.

Upon completion of a probation period, established by the Court at six months, criminal charges are dismissed.

Who Qualifies for ARD?

You may be eligible for ARD if you meet the following required standards for the program:

  1. You have had no prior DUI offenses in the past ten (10) years.
  2. No serious injury - if accident occurred.
  3. Good driving record - an absence of excessive moving violations.
  4. There were no passengers under the age of 14 in the vehicle at the time of the offense.
How Does ARD Work?

Applications forwarded to the DUI Program are reviewed and verified (as to prior DUIs). If approved, they are referred to the DUI Program Director for investigation and screening. You will receive a notice to appear for an appointment with DUI personnel (ARD screening appointment).

Those ARD applicants meeting all of the qualifying criteria established by the DUI Program will be recommended to the Court for placement into the ARD Program, and will receive notice to appear for ARD Hearing.

What Does Placement Into the ARD Program Involve?
  • six months probation period
  • immediate suspension of your operating privileges on the date of placement in the ARD Program (if you have a valid PA license)
    • BAC .08-.099: no suspension
    • BAC .10-.159: 30 days
    • BAC .16 or higher: 60 days
    • Refusals: 60 days
  • compliance with rules and regulations as set forth by the Northampton County Courts and the DUI Program
  • payment of all program costs and fines
  • attendance at the Alcohol Highway Safety Program
  • completion of a counseling program, if deemed necessary, and payment for same
  • no jail term if accepted into ARD and the program is completed satisfactorily
How Do I Apply for ARD?
  1. Apply for ARD within 10 days of your Preliminary Hearing. An application is enclosed, which must be completed and notarized.
  2. Make a CRN appointment.
    (Court Reporting Network)
    This alcohol/drug evaluation can be scheduled by calling:
    Northampton County DUI Program
    Criminal Administration Building
    105 South Union Street
    Easton, PA 18042
  3. Attend your Formal Arraignment, as scheduled by the District Justice, at your Preliminary Hearing.


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For additional ARD Program Information, contact:
Amy Moss
Telephone: 610-559-6810

There may be additional alternatives to those which are explained herein.

If you have any questions, you may wish to contact an attorney to discuss all of the options available. If you cannot afford an attorney, please contact the Northampton County Public Defender's Office for assistance at (610)-829-6384.

Driving Under the Influence Resources
DUI Programs Overview
DUI ARD Program Overview
DUI ARD Program (First Time Offenders) FAQ
DUI ASP Program (Second Time Offenders) FAQ
For additional DUI program information, contact:
Kimberlie Stout
Phone: 610-559-6810
Northampton County DUI Program
Criminal Administration Building
105 South Union Street, Easton, PA 18042
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